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On or about 11th January 2012, under the guidance and coordination of OPUS, Listening Posts aimed at providing a snapshot of the societal dynamics of each country at the dawn of 2012, were held in twenty six different countries around the world (Argentina, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Denmark (2 reports), Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy (2 Reports), Latvia, Norway, Peru, Poland, Serbia, South Africa (2 Reports), Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK & USA (2 reports)). These were all reported in a similar format (see 'Britain and the World at the Dawn of 2003' in Organizational & Social Dynamics, 3(1): 165-169), researched and analysed by the authors, to produce this Global Report.
The authors self-defined their task as follows. To research and analyse the National Reports with a view to:
(a) identify common themes arising within the twenty eight Reports;
(b) explore relationships between themes and to reduce these down to major or dominant themes;
(c) collate supporting information from the Reports for analysis of these themes; and
(d) formulate hypotheses arising there from.
For the sake of brevity this Report will only document the major interrelated themes identified, followed by an analysis and hypotheses regarding each.
Key words: Listening Posts, global dynamics, societal dynamics, social defences against anxiety.
In 2004 when the International Listening Post Project was commenced, a major theme introduced was that of 'Death of a way of life'; this continued through 2005 as 'Monumental social change'; and in 2006 'Coping with continuous social change'. In 2007 it became clear that death of a way of life was far more all-encompassing and that it was not just about a change in technology, but the fact that the new technology was bringing into being a new way of living. It was led by and powered not only by new developments in computerisation and telecommunications, the multi-national companies, and the military might of the West, but equally importantly by ideas; including political, philosophic, and religious ideas. The experience was and is that this period is one of formative changes in the structure of the world economy, the shape of societies, and the framework of world governance. It is leading to the development of a new way of...