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Council, School Board, Attorney General Up for Grabs
D.C. residents began casting their votes last Monday, October 20 with early voting taking place at the downtown polling place [441 4th Street N.W.].
Eight additional locations will be added on Saturday, October 25, remaining open every day but Sunday through Saturday, November 1. Registered voters can go to any of the nine sites to make their choices in the follow- ing races: the first-ever elected attorney general; delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives; D.C. councilmembers and state school board, including candi- dates from Wards 1, 3, 5, and 6, one at-large seat and the council chairman; advisory neighbor- hood commissioners; a ballot question on the legalization of marijuana possession; two vol- unteer "shadow" positions, U.S. Representative and U.S. Senator, both created to advocate for D.C. Statehood; and of course, the mayoral showdown.
Additional voting centers can be found at the following loca- tions: Chevy Chase Commu- nity Center, 5601 Connecticut Ave. N.W. (Ward 3); Columbia Heights Community Center, 1480 Girard St. N.W. (Ward 1); Dorothy I. Height-Benning Li- brary, 3935 Benning Road N.E. (Ward 7); King Greenleaf Rec- reation Center, 201 N St. S.W. (Ward 6); Malcolm X Elemen- tary School, 1351 Alabama Ave. S.E. (Ward 8); Sherwood Recre- ation Center, 640 10th St. N.E. (Ward 6); Takoma Park Recre- ation Center, 300 Van Buren St. N.W. (Ward 4); and Turkey Thicket Recreation Center, 1100 Michigan Ave. N.E. (Ward 5).
It's unlikely that any of the other four candidates for the House will be able to unseat the veteran incumbent Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D). However, the victor in the race for attor- ney general could be a nail biter, primarily because so few voters seem to know all of the candi- dates and where they stand. [The Washington Informer inter- viewed all five of the candidates and published their responses in the October 16th edition].
Only two at-large council seats are available but the list of candi- dates totals 15. The sole Demo- crat, Anita Bonds, while favored because of the percentage of Democratic voters in the Dis- trict, will need solid voter turn- out to avoid a potential upset, especially from surging indepen- dent candidate, The Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler. Other...