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There's no doubt about it: America's legendary Motown label was an unparalleled success in the music industry. But beneath the sparkling veneer of catchy hits and matching outfits lurked death, drugs and drama.
FEW LABELS HAVE SEEN such as much triumph - or as much tragedy and treachery - as the storied Motown label.
The Supremes
The Supremes were one of Motown's flagship acts, at one point rivaling The Beatles for pop chart prominence.
But as the group gained fame, tensions built among the group members, particularly around Diana Ross, who eventually was elevated to a spotlight role and given separate billing. While Mary Wilson tried to maintain stability and civility within the fold, Florence Ballard became increasingly threatened, especially when rumors began to circulate that Berry Gordy planned to replace Ballard with Cindy Birdsong, a member of the label's studio singing contingent. Ballard became increasingly depressed, gained weight and began drinking excessively, which only fueled the friction between her and Ross.
Gordy's threats to alter The Supremes' lineup only added to the tension, and by 1967, Ballard's behavior had become increasingly erratic. Ballard attempted to get back into Gordy's good graces by sobering up and slimming down, but an onstage incident at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas on June 29, 1967 - precipitated by Ballard's discovery of an extra set of stage costumes supposedly set aside for Birdsong - sealed her fate. She went on stage inebriated and began to dance in a provocative manner. Gordy immediately fired her, hired Birdsong, and renamed the group Diana Ross and the Supremes.
Ballard subsequently attempt at a solo career failed to ignite. After that, which she unsuccessfully sued Motown and eventually spiraled into poverty. She died unexpectedly on Feb. 22, 1976, the result of coronary thrombosis. Ballard was 32.
The Temptations
The Temptations created the template for practically every male singing group that followed, amassing several No. 1 pop singles and 14 records that topp group was the first Motown act to earn a Grammy; it picked up two more later on. The Temptations' six original members - Dennis Edwards, Melvin Franklin, Eddie Kendricks, David Ruffin, Otis Williams, and Paul Williams - were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in...