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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the legal and societal pressures which have bought about the Canadian Forces (CF) decision to open all military occupations and most areas of employment to women.
In recent years, the Canadian Forces (CF) has expanded employment opportunities for women. On 30 September 1989, the CF was comprised of 8,700 (10.12%) servicewomen in the Regular Force representing a six-fold increase over the past twenty years. Expansion has not been limited strictly to numbers, as all 137 military occupations previously designated male-only are now open to servicewomen.
The expansion of servicewomen's opportunities in the CF has paralleled federal employment legislation that protects the legal rights of all Canadians. Military behavioral scientists have played an important role in ensuring that CF employment policies and practices are consistent with both the spirit and intent of this legislation.
Women have served in Canada's military since 1885. Nursing Sisters provided medical support during the Canadian Northwest Rebellion, the Boer War and the First World War. As militaries became more technologically dependent, the roles of servicewomen expanded. For example, during World War II and the Korean conflict, servicewomen flew aircraft, operated radar and radio, and drove heavy mobile equipment.
By 1967, when the Royal Canadian Navy, the Canadian Army and the Royal Canadian Air Force were integrated to form the unified Canadian Forces, there was a permanent ceiling of 1500 servicewomen representing 1.5% of the total strength. However, consistent with the values of Canadian society, the CF changed employment policies to include expanded roles for women. In 1967, the Canadian government convened the Royal Commission on the Status of Women to review Canadian women's involvement in society and industry. By 1970 the Commission tabled 167 recommendations for improving the equality of Canadian women, of which six referred directly to employment in the CF. In 1971, CF employment policies were changed to ensure equality for men and women on various criteria including enrolment, terms and conditions for service, pay and benefits. There were to be no employment restrictions for women with the exception of primary combat, isolated locations, service at sea and admission to the CF Military Colleges. However, university education at civilian universities subsidized by...