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The commentary concentrates on the history in Plutarch's Sertorius; it attempts to establish the facts and dates of Sertorius' life and provides detailed studies of the major events in his career. Particular attention is given to matters of chronology, topography, and prosopography. A brief outline of Plutarch's sources, biographical aims, and historical methods is given in the Introduction. Discussed in the Appendices are the identity of L. Fufidius (Praetor 81 or 80 B.C., governor of Farther Spain 80 B.C.), the precise location of the battle of Segontia (alias Saguntum, alias Segovia: at Segontia Lanka, now Langa de Duero), the chronology of the Sertorian War (battle of Lauro 77, battles of Italica, Valentia, the Sucro, and Segontia 76, sieges of Pallantia and Calagurris 75, death of Sertorius 73 B.C.), and the number of Roman legions involved in the Sertorian War (total: twenty).