
On quaternionic Shimura surfaces

Granath, Hakan.   Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola (Sweden) ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,  2002. C811054.

Abstract (summary)

Let k be a real quadratic field, and let A be a totally indefinite quaternion algebra which allows an involution of type 2, that is, an involution inducing the non-trivial automorphism on k. Let Λ be a maximal order in A. The elements of Λ with norm 1 act naturally on [special characters omitted], where [special characters omitted] is the complex upper half plane. Let Γ denote the image of Λ 1 in Aut([special characters omitted]), and X the quotient surface [special characters omitted]/Γ. We let Y be the minimal desingularisation of the compactification of X. If A = M2(k), then X is a so called Hilbert modular surface. Such surfaces are rather well investigated. We look at the case when A is a skew field. In this case, X is compact, so it only has quotient singularities. We also examine quotients by some extensions of Γ to larger discrete subgroups of Aut([special characters omitted]).

We construct a family of curves on Y, which corresponds to the so called modular curves in the case of Hilbert modular surfaces. The main part of the work consists of a study of various aspects of these curves. They are parametrised by the elements β of a quaternary lattice ( L, q), which consists of what we call integral Λ-hermitian forms. There is a close connection between the quadratic space L and the order Λ via Clifford algebras.

To each curve Fβ there is an associated quaternion order Λβ over [special characters omitted] and a map [special characters omitted] → Fβ, which is generically 1 to 1 or 2 to 1. We determine the genus of the order Λβ. To do this, we study, among other things, a certain one-to-one correspondence between primitive orders and hermitian planes in the local case.

For each positive integer N, we define a curve FN in the same way as it is done in the case of Hilbert modular surfaces. We determine the number of irreducible components of FN. To each intersection point of curves, we associate an integral binary quadratic form. We derive a formula for the number of points on X, which are associated to a given form. This gives a possibility to completely determine the configuration of curves.

Finally, we study the particular case when k = [special characters omitted] and the discriminant of the algebra A is (3). We construct a natural tower Γ ⊂ ΓI ⊂ Γ II ⊂ ΓIII of discrete subgroups of Aut([special characters omitted]), where each group extension is of degree 2, and consider the minimal desingularisation of the corresponding quotients. We prove, using the modular curves, that Y is a minimal surface of general type, YI is a K3-surface blown up 4 times, YII is an Enriques surface blown up 2 times, and YIII is a rational surface with Euler characteristic e = 12. We also construct an elliptic fibration on Y II, which we use to conclude that YII is a so called special Enriques surface.

Indexing (details)

0405: Mathematics
Identifier / keyword
Pure sciences; Clifford algebras; Hermitian form; Quaternionic; Shimura surfaces
On quaternionic Shimura surfaces
Granath, Hakan
Number of pages
Degree date
School code
DAI-C 64/01, Dissertation Abstracts International
Place of publication
Ann Arbor
Country of publication
United States
Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola (Sweden)
University location
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Document type
Dissertation/thesis number
ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.
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