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From A-typical to Zee
President and founding partner of the entertainment company Ironpond, Teddy Zee does what he loves and encourages others to do the same. Zee's Hollywood career spans over two decades, during which he has worked as a studio executive at Columbia Pictures and Paramount Pictures.
"I'm an atypical Chinese A m e r i can," said Zee. "As a parent of an 18 and 16 year old, I encourage kids to go for what they truly are passionate about."
Zee's elder daughter deferred her admission to Columbia University to be a ballet dancer and his younger daughter is pursuing dance in Germany. Zee said his daughters make smart decisions, but he still has his parental concerns for them.
"I didn't think that they would do this in their teens maybe in their 20s," Zee said. "But you're only young once."
Zee used his smarts to make it in the entertainment industry. He received his undergraduate degree from Cornell University and then attended Harvard Business School before landing a job in Hollywood in 1984.
"I'm very thankful of doing what I love to do," said Zee. "I'm happy. I feel like a kid. I get to make movies."
George Takei was one of the many stars shocked to see his baby pictures projected on screen. CAPE staff managed to find photos of all of the night's honorees.
LOS ANGELES - The red carpets were sprawled out, surrounded by bright lights and cameras for the 15th annual celebration of...