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MEDIA WATCH: All is not well, disappointments, racial clashes.
While the news that filters out of South Africa seems reluctant to point fingers at anyone, hoping perhaps time will heal old wounds, the reality is not as encouraging as many who fought for the freedom of South Africa would have hoped it would be.
The slowness of housing development for the poor is the constant complaint. Shanty towns still abound, too many places still do not have fresh running water, and poor sanitation is a disaster-in-waiting. The disappointment among the poor has often turned to despair and cynicism. And to crime.
A campaign by a radical Black students organization to force white teachers out of Black schools was recently rejected by the ANC. The Azanian Students Movement (AZASM) had demanded that the government fire white teachers and give those jobs to hundreds of unemployed Black teachers in the townships.
However, Mondii Gungebele, a spokesman for the ANC, labeled the campaign as racist and to be rejected....