Briar Cliff's Library subscribes to a number of commercial database services (e.g. ProQuest, JSTOR, Country Watch, etc.) The vendors of these products require that access be restricted to BCU-affiliated users. To gain remote access to these services, any registered University computer account user can simply enter their network account credentials here.
Should you have difficulty, need an account, or require more technical information, please see tips below.
Simply enter your BCU network account:
Establishing an Account
All employees and enrolled students of Briar Cliff University are eligible for a network account. To register for an account, stop in at the BCU Computer Center in Heelan Hall, or call 712-279-5401.
Licensing agreements for these databases require that access be extended only to authorized users. Once you have been validated by this EZ service, a "cookie" is stored directly on the server as an indication of your authorization to access any of the library's subscription databases during a login session. Therefore, you will only need to login and be authenticated once per browser session. As you access databases, they may also use cookies. Your ability to use these databases may depend on whether or not you allow those cookies to be set, or in some cases, to be sent to your computer's hard drive.
Some users trying to access databases from their office may have problems with their corporate firewalls or other restrictions and may have to contact their corporate, school, or organization's network manager.
Still having Problems?
If you are experiencing problems logging in form your home, please contact the Library at library@briarcliff.edu, or 712-279-5449 and let us know what you are experiencing, which database(s) you are trying to use, and which internet browser you are using.