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It is observed that Solar Roof Top PV systems has to be installed under verity of roof having different orientations, tilts etc. under different geographical conditions, this variation is likely to affect the performance of the SRTPV system. One of the ideal condition to have maximum generation is that the radiation should strike perpendicular to the solar panels surface fixed on roof. It is necessary to evaluate Performance of the SRTPV system and a methodology is to be set for maximizing the generation under these varied condition. This research is concentrated on evaluating SRTPV system for different orientations and tilt, finds its effect on system performance and develop a methodology to optimize design conditions for different roofs for optimal best performance under field situations created by at laboratory by forming different roof orientations and tilts with sun locations. Performance ratio is considered as evaluation criteria for optimizing results. The experiments model is designed for varying roof orientations from 0 to 180 degree and tilt for each orientations 0 to 90 degree. The Sun varies from Oto 180 degree. For the designing model “Taguchi Method” is used for controlling the measured parameters for evaluation. The analysis carried out show that the performance ratio for a given location should have an optima roof and tilt to maximize generation and get optimal PR. This gives the guide lines how roof can be treated if roof does not have proper angle of orientations and tilt. If treatment is not done one losses money by value with less investment on returns. For treated roof the PR found is above 80% which can be well compared to estimated generations simulation software. Further a design methodology is developed for guidelines for designers under the situation.
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1 Department of Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India