To access this digital resource, please log in with your library card number and password.
For information on obtaining a card and to apply online, please visit Get a Library Card.
Need help logging in? During business hours, you can call 509.893.8400.
At any time you can use our Ask about Your Account
online form, and library staff will get back to you during business hours, as soon as they are able.
Some student and business library cards (beginning with 80922) may not have passwords. If you have one of these cards and
you cannot login, try leaving the password blank to log in. If you are still experiencing problems, please call
509.893.8400 or Ask about Your Account.
Due to licensing restrictions, reciprocal library cards (beginning with 60922) for residents of the City of Spokane and Liberty Lake
do not have access to this digital resource through the Spokane County Library District website. Please check with your local library
for its digital resource offerings: Spokane Public Library for City of Spokane residents
and Liberty Lake Municipal Library for Liberty Lake residents.