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This qualitative research study examined how drumming is perceived to affect spiritual awareness and explored its physical, mental, and emotional accompaniments. Eight women representing various cultures (Brazilian, Germanic, Iranian, Jamaican, Japanese, Jewish, Korean, Native American, Siberian, and West African), with 9 to 25 years of professional drumming, told of 1 or more spiritual and mind-body healing experiences induced by the power of the drum. Using the case study method informed by organic and feminist approaches, data were collected by a 32-item questionnaire, individual 2-hour in-depth interviews, and a professional video of the coresearcher observation group gathering. A thematic analysis indicated all 8 coresearchers were influenced by the call of the drum, the power of the drum, transformative changes, spirituality, healing, altered states, cultural aspects, and community. Five coresearchers experienced sexual awareness from playing the drum, while only 4 commented about gender issues pertaining to being a woman drummer. The literature review was substantiated by findings of psychospiritual experiences that complemented psychophysiological and psychosocial effects of drumming through identification with ancestral roots, generating altered states of consciousness, and connection with spiritual realms. In the world's oldest cultures drumming of rhythms is linked with spirituality and healing. As we blend modern science with the principles of ancient spiritual and healing systems, we find validity in how and why these methods are used in other cultures and traditions. A universally identified psychosocial theme was the sense of developing a new tradition while honoring the old ones through combining rhythmic ancestral patterns with those of modern society. This study suggests that the drum is a universal tool capable of initiating and contributing to healing and transformative change throughout and among all world cultures.


The power of the drum: A multi -cultural journey into spiritual transformations and mind -body healing experiences by eight professional women drummers
Lounsberry, Joyce Beverly
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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