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Teaching African Literature Today: African Literature Today 29 Ed. Erne st Emen yonu Rochester, NY: James Currey, 2011. xvi + 154 pp. ISBN 978-1-84701-511-2 paper.
When people talk of the premier journals of African literary studies, they are apt to invoke, sooner or later, the name of African Literature Today. It was founded in 1968 and edited by eminent scholar Eldred Durosimi Jones until 2001, with assistance for some of the volumes from his wife Marjorie Jones and his former colleague Eustace Palmer, from their base at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. The journal consistently has drawn its contributors from six continents and published simultaneously both in the United Kingdom (first by Heinemann Educational Books and then James Currey Publishers) and in the United States (successively by Africana Publishers, then Africa World Press, and now Boydell and Brewer, whose publications are distributed by the University of Rochester Press). African Literature Today has, undoubtedly, throughout its long life, been the journal of African literature that is most global in its outlook-an impression...