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Aims and Objectives
- to untie ail inuit of Canada and to represent them in matters affecting their affairs
- to encourage the development of leadership amongst Inuit
- to develop and expand effective communication among the inuit in the Canadian North
- to help promote the lnuit language and culture as viable means of participating in Canadian society
-to promote dignity and pride in fnutt heritage
-to assist inuit in their right to full participation and sense of belonging to Canadian society
- to promote public awareness of issues concerning the Inuit.
Inuit Tapirisat of Canada
An interview wuh Tagak Curley President oí lruit Tapirisa t ol Canada by William Tagoona on the staff of lnuttituut.
William Tagoona:
Just what is ihu lnuii Tapinisai ?
Tagak Curley;
InuitTapirisat of Canada in English means Eskimo Brotherhood and 11 is dedicated to The needs and aspirai ions of the 17,000 lrsuit throughout Canada
William Tagoona :
When was The organization begun ?
Tagak Curley:
It began back in January 1970 when a mealing was sat up by the Indian/Eskimo Associatori of Canada (IEA) at Coppermine. N, WT The purpose of the meeting vyas to discuss I nun problems regarding land ownership gnd to strengthen and advise us on ail metiers affecting our affairs. That was in July, 1 970 wilh financing from the Citizenship Branch of lhe Department of the Secretary of State tò cover travel costs. The lnun t wanted more meetings to drs» cuss the problems of the north. The proposal was presented to The Northern Affairs Branch of The Department of Indian Affairs & Northern Development to see if they would pay travel expenses. They did not think the proposal represented lhe wishes of the majority and lhe proposal was turned down. Without financial help, no meetings could be held for the remainder of the year.
Early in 1971 I got in touch with the Indian/Eskimo Association and thsy came up with a solution, WiIh...