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Today's changing social environment, with more non-traditional families than ever, requires that healthcare providers avoid heterosexist thinking and language in assessing new clients. Doctors, nurses, and midwives can be more sensitive by initiating intake histories differently. Instead of assuming the patient became pregnant through intercourse, the patient could be asked to tell the story of how she became pregnant. This way, each woman, gay or straight, has the option to disclose her history in a non-threatening, judgment-free way. Language used by the healthcare professional during the first prenatal care visit can set the stage for the rest of the pregnancy.
Keywords: Midwifery Care, Lesbians, Pregnancy, Prenatal care, Heterosexist
Pregnancy, by nature of its life-changing qualities, makes a huge impact on the childbearing woman and her family (Janssen, 2007). When a woman and her partner choose a prenatal care provider, they are choosing a year-long relationship based on trust, medical expertise and skill. Besides concern about medical expertise, women want to know what kind of care will be received and may question, "Can I trust this midwife or doctor"? For a lesbian woman, trust is more likely to be achieved with a health care provider whose philosophy is to maintain inclusion and cultural sensitivity (Janssen, 2007).
Avoiding Heterosexism
Heterosexism is defined in a variety of ways because it is both hard to recognize and is also so deeply integrated into our social lives (D. Browne, personal communication, January 16, 201 1). Yarbar, Sayad, and Strong (2010) define heterosexism or heterosexual bias as "the tendency to see the world in heterosexual terms and to ignore or devalue homosexuality" (p. 572). Heterosexism, as defined by Hyers (2010), seems to combine silent judgment with outright bigotry. In addition to its previous definitions, this author sees heterosexism as hetero-assumptiveness. And being heteroassumptive is seeing the world without peripheral vision.
Heterosexism is found on so many layers in life. It can be loud and obnoxious or silent and persistent. And, like cancer, it spreads.
Sensitivity to the Needs of Lesbian Patients
Lesbian women are first and foremost women, and should be treated as such. While some healthcare providers are heterosexist and nearly eliminate sexual identity in history taking, other healthcare providers tend to be curious and inquisitive about...