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Web-based technology increases the hours we spend sitting in front of the screens of our computers. But can it also be used in a way to improve our social skills? The blended learning paradigm of Person-Centered e-Learning (PCeL) precisely aims to achieve intellectual as well as social and personal development by combining the benefits of online learning with face-to-face encounters. While the added value of Person-Centered or whole-person learning in terms of better problem solving, increased self-confidence and interpersonal skills is well documented in the literature, its transition into practice clearly lags behind. Our goal therefore is to exploit the potentials of Web-based support for making Person-Centered teaching and learning more effective and feasible. In the paper we discuss the didactical baseline, the integration of technology, and the application of PCeL in the context of Web engineering and project management. On that basis we present our evaluation that showed – with surprising clarity – the fundamental impact of interpersonal attitudes on the motivation and learning outcome of students. Finally, we discuss the consequences of our findings for future educational strategies.
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