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The Internet has long been utilized by gay men and men who have sex with men (MSM) as a space for the seeking-out of deviant behaviors such as condomless sex and the use of popular "party drugs." Within criminal justice, however, there is a tendency to separate such deviant sex- and drug-related behaviors from culture; thus, these behaviors often become criminalized without recognizing the meaning they may have for the "offenders"; meaning that, in addition to being borne out of oppression and marginalization, is also borne out of stigmatizing experiences.
Through an exploration of gay culture, this thesis explores the underlying meanings of a subset of drug-seeking gay men who "party and play" (PnP). Such an analysis is important not only for criminal justice, but also for the field of cultural criminology, which seeks to inform both the criminal justice system and law enforcement professionals of the need for cultural sensitivity.
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