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I. Introduction 1013
II. The Victims 1019
III. The Traffickers 1023
A. Identifying Victims 1024
B. The Grooming Process 1025
C. Trafficker Demographics 1029
IV. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 1030
A. Elements of an Offense Under the TVPA 1031
1. Participating in or Benefitting from Trafficking 1032
2. Mens Rea 1034
a. Force, Fraud, or Coercion 1034
b. Use of a Minor in Commercial Sex Acts 1040
3. Interstate Commerce 1043
V. Conclusion 1045
I. Introduction
K.F. had just turned 18. Like many other young teens, she enjoyed meeting others on social networking websites.1 She met Marvell Antonio Culp on Mocospace. com.2 They dated, and Culp convinced her to leave her family and move into his hotel with him.3 He professed his love and told her of his plans for their life together forever.4 Like other pimps engaging in the "grooming" process, Culp convinced her that they were family and that she should call him by his nickname, "Daddy."5 She had finally met someone to fill the void that comes from growing up in a dysfunc-tional home. They had sex, they smoked marijuana, and he intro-duced her to the drug, ecstasy.6 Then came the day that Culp ex-plained that he wanted K.F. to prostitute herself.7 When she re-fused, he slapped her and did not talk to her for several days.8 Lat-er, he again approached her about prostituting, and she started to leave the hotel room.9 He caught her in the hallway, dragged her back into the room, and beat her with the buckle of his belt. 10 He beat her so badly, he injured his back. 11 After the beating, he told her he had killed two people and paralyzed another, and that she needed to rethink her position. 12 She finally succumbed and had sex with a customer. 13 Daddy took all the money. 14
Next came the rules. Daddy gave K.F. a handwritten set of daily rules. 15 Those rules controlled every aspect of her daily life. 16 The rules kicked in right after K.F. woke up, ordering her to brush her teeth immediately. 17 Next, she had to clean the hotel room. 18 After that, she had to lie on the bed until Daddy gave her permission to...