BURIED WITH MUCH POMP: GEN. LOGAN'S REMAINS PLACED IN ROCK CREEK CEMETERY. Impressive Services in the Sonate Chamber--Rev. Dr. Newman's Oration--Scenes at the Cemetery--A Guard at the Grave. IN THE SENATE CHAMBER. A Great Display of Flowers--A Gathering of Distinguished People. DISTINGUISHIED ARRIVALS. MRS. LOGAN ENTERS. THE SERVICES. Rev. Dr. Newman Delivors an Eloquent Funeral Sermon. THE MARCH TO THE GRAVE. A Dreary Tramp Through Slashy Streets and Muddy Roads. GEN. SHERIDAN IN COMMAND. A PICTURESQUE SIGHT. MARCHING THROUGH SLUSH. THE CEMETERY AND THE VAULT. IN THE CEMETERY. The Remains Placed in the Vault and a Guard Left in Charge. IMPRESSIVE SERVICES. A GUARD AT THE GRAVE.
The Washington Post (1877-1922); Washington, D.C.. 01 Jan 1887: 1.
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