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'I get a bit precious about my weekends. I'm a second year philosophy student at UCL and have just eight hours of lectures and tutorials a week but I'm still like, "Don't touch my free time". Last weekend a few of us from The Great British Bake Off met up for a sleepover in Oxfordshire - we miss each other now the show is over - but usually I'll stay in London and bake bread. It's such a luxury.
It takes hours and you're forced to go slow with it. Then on Saturday I will relish doing a big supermarket shop. As you can see, I'm prematurely middle-aged.
Naively, I didn't think about the impact The Great British Bake Off would have on my time.
I'd caught the tail-end of the last series at a time when I was doing a lot of baking - partly to procrastinate when I should have been studying - and I decided to apply to improve my skills. When I found out I'd got on the show, I had to lie down to recover from the excitement. In hindsight it would have been easier to do a baking course.
For 10 weeks, I caught the train down to Bristol every Friday evening, feeling sick to my stomach.
A guy called Alex, whose job it was to look after the contestants, would meet me at the station and take me to the hotel where all the other bakers were staying, then we'd all head out for dinner.
I'm sure everyone felt as awkward as I did the first time we sat around a table together, but a few glasses of wine eased the tension.
After spending all of Saturday in a marquee in the countryside outside Bristol, baking, we'd go out for dinner again and try to forget the traumas of the day. Then on Sunday morning we'd be back in the tent but there'd be a subdued feeling as in a few hours someone would be leaving the show.