TWO STAR WITNESSES.: ANNA BIBBY'S REPUTATION A MATTER OF SOLICITUDE. Harry Clark Listens to the Charge Impiled Against Him, and Seeks Surcease of Sorrow in Playing the "King Cotton March." JOE'S RISING HOUR DETERMINED. THE CHINAMAN SHOT THROUGH THE SHEET. MINUS A REPUTATION. THAT NAUGHTY MR. SHINN. HEARD AT THE KEYHOLE. CLARK PLAYS HIS OWN. THE BIXBY ESTATE. The Arbitrators of the Flint, Bixby & Co. Affairs File Their Award. A GRIEVANCE UNREDRESSED. Senora S. de Gatierrez Claims Damages from E. E. Crandall. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Petition to the Legislature to Commemorate an Old Treaty. THE WATER SUPPLY. J. C. Roy Claims $10,000 as Damages for Injuries Received. THE BAR ASSOCIATION. A Meeting of Attorneys to Rehabilitate the Organization. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. Miscellaneous Driftwood Thrown into the Courts.
Los Angeles Times (1886-1922); Los Angeles, Calif.. 08 Feb 1899: 10.
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