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Risk management and resilience strategies in supply chains have an important role in ensuring business continuity and reliability in a cost-efficient manner. Preventing or recovering from disruptions requires access and analysis of large amounts of data. Yet, given the multiple stakeholders, operations, and environmental contexts in which a global supply chain operates, managing risks and resilience becomes a challenging task. For this reason, information and communication technologies (ICT) are being developed to support managers with tailored tools and services to monitor disruptions, enhance instantaneous communication, and facilitate the quick recovery of supply chains. Hence, the objective of this article is to shed light on managerial strategies to improve the resilience of supply chains and thereby to point out how these could be automated by means of innovative ICT systems. In particular, this article concludes by warning about existing challenges to implementing such systems. If these challenges are not correctly addressed by managers, there is a major risk of further jeopardizing supply chains.
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