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Cohen, Jeffrey H., and Ibrahim Sirkeci. Cultures of Migration: The Global Nature of Contemporary Mobility. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2011. xiv + 165 pages. (ISBN: 9780292726857).
This book apparently came out of a long-standing joint research and scholarly conversation between Cohen and Sirkeci, who separately worked on migration research in Mexico and Turkey. According to the authors, migration scholars have produced an extensive literature significantly advancing our understanding of migration and migrants which ranges from definitions to theories of migration, from typologies to outcomes of migration, and from linear assimilation experiences to varied acculturation and integration strategies of migrants. However, until recently this literature was largely focusing on issues of migration relating either to the origins or destinations of migrants, with particular emphasis on the social, cultural, economic, and political impacts of migrants on their destinations.
The study of immigrants and immigration offers a plethora of important contributions to the field of psychology. The discipline of psychology has much to contribute to our understanding of immigrants and the process of immigration. Psychology aims to demonstrate the influence of cultural factors that have an effect on the development and display of individual human behaviour. Cohen and Sirkeci underlines the culture as an essential feature of human mobility. In terms of psychological perspective, individuals often act according to cultural influences and expectations, which influence their migration decisions. Cultures of Migration represents a distinguished addition to...