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Copyright "A. Philippide" Institute of Romanian Philology, "A. Philippide" Cultural Association 2015


According to the Aarne-Thompson classification, the fairy tales that present the marriage between an earthling and an enchanting creature, forced to bear an animal skin is illustrated by numerous types: The Girl Transformed into an Animal 401, The Animal Bride or the Mouse Bride 402, Jorind and Joringel 405, The Flower Girl 407, The Three Lemons 408, Cupid and Psyche 425A, Beauty and the Beast 425C, The Bird Husband 425N, Prince Donkey 430, The Bird Lover 432, The Frog King 440, In Enchanted Skin 441. The concealed face is a literary motif widely spread in the European folklore and it follows a distinctive epic thread: the marriage to a supernatural being brings about the interdiction of revealing its true nature to the others, apart from the wife/husband. The secret must be kept until the spell is over, but it is always unveiled beforehand. Therefore, the spell is instantly cast away or the guilty one leaves in search of his/hers supernatural companion. The initiatic journey that follows tests the earthling's marital fidelity. The happy end brings the release from the spell and the preservation of the human form. Lazar Saineanu's work The Romanian Fairy Tales typologizes the Romanian folklore and dedicates a chapter to The Leaving Cycle or the Animal Companion. The researcher analyzes three fundamental types: Cupid and Psyche, Melusina and Neraida. The first category of fairy tales corresponds to the AT 425A and AT 441 types and presents the animal husband (pig, snake, donkey, bear). The fairy or animal bride appears in the other two categories, Melusina and Neraida, that include the other types according to the Finnish classification. In Neraida, an adjacent motif is to be found: the enchanted gown of the fairy stolen by a lad. Deprived of her magic powers, she is forced to wed the lad. She remains in his world until she cunningly gets her clothes back and flies away to the other world. The husband's jourrney that follows illustrates The Quest for a Lost Bride AT 400.


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Ursache, Otilia
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"A. Philippide" Institute of Romanian Philology, "A. Philippide" Cultural Association
Source type
Scholarly Journal
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
Copyright "A. Philippide" Institute of Romanian Philology, "A. Philippide" Cultural Association 2015