LEATHER, BOOTS AND SHOES.: The Tanneries of Chicago. Their Extent, Novembers and Value of Their Production--Upper and Sale--How Leather is Made--The Boot and Shoe Factories of Chicago--Their System of Manufacture--The Hands They Employ--Value of Their Work-How it Compares with Eastern Work--Prospects for the Future, Etc., Etc., LEATHER. TANNING. LEATHER. AFTER TANNING, SHEEPSKINS SOLE LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES CORDWAINERS AT WORK. WHITNEY BOR'S. & CO. GILLETTE, WATSON & CO. MCDOUGAL, NICHOLAS & ABBOTT. FARGO, BILL, & CO., G. M. RENDERSON & CO. F. C. & M. D. WELLS & CO., DAVIS, SAWYER & CO., PHELPS, DODGE & CO., T. A. WEBER & CO., J. P. FARNUM, SANBORN & BALDWIN, E. CHAPIN, CHAS. MCFARLAND, LATHEM & WHEELER, THE ENTIRE TRADE GENERALITIES. BOOT-BOXES FINALE.
Chicago Tribune (1860-1872); Chicago, Ill.. 24 May 1866: 0_2.
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