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MANCHESTER -- Greg Sukiennik, a veteran journalist and editor in New England, will become the next editor of the Manchester Journal on Oct. 3.
"Greg is bringing years of journalism experience and a lot of great energy to Manchester and the mountains area," said Kevin Moran, the vice president of news for New England Newspapers Inc., which owns the Journal. "We are really lucky to have landed Greg for this position. Journal readers will be the beneficiaries of having a great editor and journalist at the helm of their local paper."
"I appreciate the opportunity New England Newspapers has given me to lead the Manchester Journal," said Sukiennik, 46. "It's a newspaper with a dedicated following and the potential to be a great resource for the community it serves. My challenge is to take that potential and turn it into a newspaper that you can't wait to open and read.
"The Manchester Journal can be the best weekly newspaper in Vermont. That's what the owners want to see and that's what its readers deserve: Community journalism that informs, entertains and makes you think, every week. I share that goal and I am dedicated to meeting the challenge and earning your trust. It's a lofty goal, but I believe in setting the bar high."