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Abstract: George B. Caird argues for the exegetical method that the quotation of Psalm 8 in Heb 2:6-8 should control the argument in Hebrews 1. The implication is that one cannotfind the literalpreexistence of Christ in 1:1-14. Likewise, L D. Hurst interprets Hebrews 1 in light of the humanity of Christ in Hebrews 2. Hurst's conclusion about the Son in Hebrews 1 is not about a uniquely privileged, divine being who became a man, but a human figure who attains to an exalted status. In this article I set forth the exegetical method that 1:5-14 and the rest of the book of Hebrews is to be understood in light of 1:1-4, instead of reading chapter 1 with the background of humanity of Jesus in chapter 2. This essay will make evident that the author of Hebrews presents the three stages of Christ's existence in 1:1-4 (i.e. preexistence, incarnation, exaltation), and elaborates them further in 1:5-14. I will also argue that the description of Chrisfspreexistence in 1:5-14 is not metaphorical but literal.
Key Words: Christology;preexistence of Christ; incarnation; exaltation; wisdom; firstborn; Son; angels; world
George Caird, in his article "The Exegetical Method of the Epistle to the Hebrews," argues that the quotation of Psalm 8 in Heb 2:6-8 should control the argument in the preceding chapter (i.e. Hebrews 1).1 The application of his exegetical method is reflected in some of his writings on the interpretation of Hebrews 1. For example, he argues that the message of what God has spoken in his Son clearly echoes the portrait of the personified Wisdom in Wis 7:26.2 Caird suggests that the preexistent Wisdom is closely related to the idea of God's eternal purpose in Hebrews 1.3 He further goes on to assert that "the author of Hebrews has no place in his thinking for preexistence as an ontological concept. His essentially human Jesus attains to perfection, to preeminence, and even to eternity."4 Likewise, L. D. Hurst, following the exegetical method of Caird, interprets Hebrews 1 in light of chapter 2. He argues that since the theme of Psalm 8 in Hebrews 2 is God's plan for the destiny of mankind, and the superior status of Christ to the angels in Hebrews 2 is rooted in his fulfillment of...