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The present study examined the effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) in relation to increasing well-being and decreasing stress and fatigue among athletes. Collegiate and club athletes from a Division I University (n = 30) completed three surveys, including a demographics questionnaire, the College Student Athlete Life Stress Scale, and the Subjective Exercise Experience Scale. Athletes were randomly selected into two groups and asked to partake in a 20-minute coping method either with a PMR session (n = 15; intervention) or lying comfortably (n = 15; control). The Subjective Exercise Experience Scale (SEES) was given as a pre and post assessment to examine the effectiveness of PMR. Results revealed stress and fatigue levels to decrease and well-being levels to increase for both groups. PMR and lying quietly had significant changes from pre to post intervention; both worked the same. The findings of this study were inconclusive; increased PMR sessions are needed.
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