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The lunch counter of a Woolworth's in Greensboro, North Carolina is a civil rights landmark. Four black teenagers carried out a sit- in there in 1960. But almost two years earlier, a similar protest took place in the heart of the Midwest.
From member station KMUW in Wichita, Carla Eckels reports.
CARLA ECKELS: In July of 1958, 19-year-old Carol Parks-Haun and her 20-year-old cousin, Ron Walters, decided to do something about restaurants not serving African-Americans in Wichita. At the time, both were leaders in the local NAACP Youth Council, and they organized a sit-in at Dockum Drugstore, a popular eatery with a soda fountain.
Parks-Haun remembers the humiliation of standing at the lunch counter to request a meal.
Ms. CAROL PARKS-HAUN (Civil Rights Activist): You'd come in and go to the end of this counter and when you were served anything, it was in disposable containers.
ECKELS: Ron Walters says 1958 Wichita was very segregated.
Mr. RON WALTERS (Civil Rights Activist): It was like Mississippi up north. We deliberately chose Dockum because...