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Nowadays the rapid development of the building with complex surface prior require to use the graphical methods. From the oldest times the people has used approximate methods to make roofs with complex surface for different buildings. The style and shape of the roof varies depending on the geographic location, type of the building and the nation from that area, or country. In the ancient time the construction of the many buildings are accomplished according to golden ratio proportion. Using this method, the buildings have a beautiful aspect and a strong structure.
Since the 18th century the mathematician Gaspard Monge published the first treaty of Descriptive Geometry, creating a graphical representation approach of the spatial object in orthogonal projections, solving many problems in an easy and precise engineering manner.
Some of the arhitectural roof shapes, used especially in the case of the religious buildings, which are composed of arches of a circle, [7], [9] are presented below:
* Semicircle
The ends of the semicircle points that define the roof are collinear with the center point, the shape of the arch are presented in figure 1.
Stilted semicircle arch, presented in figure 2, are ends extended below of the center point of the center arch. These are vertical lines from the center point of the arch. Semi-circular arch is especially characteristic of Romanesque architecture.
* Segmental arch
The extreme points of this construction are located above of the center point arch. The...