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A RANGE of radical solutions to decades of traffic misery in Northallerton, all of which cost in excess of £10m, have been unveiled.
A crisis summit was called by MP Rishi Sunak to consider what could be done to solve the congestion nightmare at the town’s three railway level crossings this summer.
Rail chiefs and local council officers and members met at County Hall to come up with ideas for solving the problems caused by the long delays at the crossings, particularly Low Gates at the north end of town.
The options are:
• Bridge: Two possible routes – north to south on existing line of road or east to west with new link road behind Halfords. Ramp for north-south option would stretch to Swain Court to the south and the Co-op petrol station to the north. Estimated cost: £10m or more.
• Tunnel under the railway, which would be prone to flooding. Estimated cost: more than £10m.
• Move railway line:...