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Chase Manhattan Bank's now-shuttered office building in downtown White Plains has attracted attention from several users eager to transform the site into a beacead for the arts in a city with few permanent cultural attractions.
As a result, local officials and the building's real estate broker are hopeful that the site will be leased in its entirety - or possibly even sold - soon. They are eager to avoid another huge vacancy on the block where the former Macy's store has stood empty for the past 11 months.
"We had five different prople looking at it this week alone. It's keeping us busy," said William V. Cuddy Jr., managing director with Rostenberg-Doem/ESG, which is marketing 31 Mamaroneck Ave.
Cuddy said prospective buyers had looked at the property for uses that include artists' live-work space, music rehearsal studios, art galleries and museum space, as well as high-tech workspace and apartments. 'This could be the spark that really re-ignites and reenergizes the downtown."
The 47,009-square-foot building is being offered by owner Chase at $192,000 per year for a 49-1/2 year master lease. The building, on the northeast corner of Mamaroneck and Martine avenues, was completed in 1928, a fact underscored by the reliefs visible from the facade at street level - the obverses and reverses of the Mercury dimes and Liberty quarters then in circulation.
Chase completed its pullout from the building on May 30, when it closed its 5,885-square-foot branch...