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Bloom's taxonomy for the classification of the objectives in cognitive domain was developed in mid 1950s and this taxonomy was revised by a group with Anderson and Krathwohl by making some changes and remsions. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the objectives of 8th grade English curriculum and TEOG exam questions (national assessment exam) according to Revised Bloom's Taxonomy. This was a descriptive study using qualitative research method. English curriculum and TEOG exam questions were gathered from the website of Ministry of National Education (MONE). The data were obtained by document analysis technique. In the analysis of data, two-dimensional chart was used based on the classification in Revised Bloom's Taxonomy. And, frequency and percentage were used in presentation of the data. The results of the study showed that in 8th grade English curriculum more than half of the objectives are at the "apply" level and half of the objectives are intended for applying procedural knowledge. There is not any objective including metacognitive knowledge. 23% of the objectives are intended for higher order thinking skills such as analyse, evaluate and create level. However, it was found that most of the English course questions in TEOG exam were designed at lower order thinking skills such as "remember" and "understand" level. There are no alignments between objectives of English curriculum and English course questions in TEOG exam. So, alignment between curriculum objectives and assessment is suggested.
Education contributes to a process of changing behaviors (Tyler, 1949) mainly through training of individuals in society. It is therefore one of the elements necessary for the development of society (Eke, 2015). The basic elements of an education system are teacher, students and curriculum (Gözütok, 2003). In the literature, different researchers provide different definitions of curriculum. Bobbitt (1918) defined the curriculum as the list of activities that children and young people have to experience by developing their ability; Saylor, Alexander & Lewis (1981) defined it as the plan that presents a variety of learning opportunities to the individuals to be trained; Taba (1962) defined it as the plan for learning; Ertiirk (2013) defined it as the formation of valid learning experiences, Demirel (2012) defined it as formation of learning experiences provided to the learners by planned activities in...