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The field of injury biomechanics is constantly evolving, and with it, the tools available for researchers. Computational modeling is one of these tools, specifically finite element human body models (HBMs). Finite element human body models can be used to investigate the mechanism and injury tolerance of various regions of the human body during blunt impact trauma through the use of computer simulation. These models can be used as a supplement to traditional crash test dummies for crash safety evaluation due to their affordability, ease of use, and increased available data points. As part of the Global Human Body Models Consortium (GHBMC) project, HBMs have developed and become more complex and biofidelic. They have also become more computationally expensive which may restrict usage from individuals with limited computational power. This motivated the development of faster running simplified HBMs similar to the detailed models, but restricted to analysis of kinematics and kinetics. In order to use the benefits from both types of models, we have developed an approach to modularly incorporate detailed components into the simplified models which allows the ability to obtain organ level response much faster than the full detailed model. The method has been implemented with the brain and thoracoabdominal cavity with comparable results to the detailed model, but with a time savings up to 90%. This thesis describes the implementation and evaluation of this modular method within the GHBMC 50 th percentile male model.