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This article contains spoilers for Batman Beyond, Batman: The Animated Series, Justice League Unilimited, and Project Zeta.
fashionably attractive or impressive.
"The no-lapel look is so schway right now!"
According to Batman Beyond, this is the hip slang of the future. You probably knew that already though, since you clicked on this article and everything.
Now that obligatory reference is out of the way, we can move on to the real meat of this article, which is — you guessed it — listing the most essential episodes of everyone's favorite Batman spinoff. We've got a lot to cover, so we let's go ahead, skip the preamble, and dive right in. Are you schway with that? Good. I wouldn't give a flying bat's ass if we weren't, anyway.
Batman Beyond Episodes 1x01/1x02: “Rebirth I & II”
1x01/1x02: “Rebirth I & II”
by Alan Burnett, Paul Dini, & Stan Berkowitz
Original airdate: January 10, 1999
Batman Beyond's first year on the air represents the show at its most realized form. In my opinion, it’s the only season of the show that’s written at the same level of quality as Batman: The Animated Series. Not to say that later seasons don’t have their moments, but it seemed like the writers approached Beyond as a Saturday morning cartoon during seasons two and three, whereas during season one, they most certainly did not.
Upon retwatch, "Rebirth" isn't quite the grand spectacle I remembered it to be when it premiered back in the early days '99. But that's because I'm viewing it as someone who knows what will happen throughout the series and how. A big part of Batman Beyond's charmwas about exploring the DC animated universe (DCAU) from a fresh pair of eyes. It was fun and felt enlightnening to compare the new Batman (Terry McGinnis) with the old one (Bruce Wayne).
read more - The Essential Episodes of Batman: The Animated Series
At many points throughout the series, we were lead to question what makes Bruce Wayne a protagonist here. What are his true motivations for continuing the Batman legacy? Why does Bruce manipulate other people into being instruments of his will, expecting them to put...