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Lawrenceville, Georgia
After losing her latest battle to keep Harry Potter books out of the classroom, a Loganville mother said she was not surprised by Superior Court Judge Ronnie Batchelor's May 29 decision to uphold the Gwinnett County Board of Education's ruling retaining the books. "I've done the best I can by myself," said Laura Mallory, who has challenged the use of the books in schools since 2005 and argued her case without an attorney. "Perhaps we need a whole new case built from the ground up."
Although Mallory was not allowed to present new evidence, she argued for about an hour that the Harry Potter books promote witchcraft and contain violent material not suitable for young children. "This is not just fiction or fantasy in the books," Mallory said. "Witchcraft is real. It's been around for thousands of years, and we were warned of it from God."
Mallory began to cry as she...