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Globalization and technological advancements are continuously pushing the organizations to adapt to the dynamic business environment. This environment compels the organizations to be conscious about the leadership models. Various leadership styles are being followed. However, leaders have to be conscious about the effectiveness of the role and leading style. This study reviews the historical perspective in the literature of organizational leadership theories. This study discusses how transformational leadership can increase productivity and team cohesiveness within the organizations in this competitive edge.
JEL Classification: M01; M10.
Keywords: Trait Theory; Behavioral/Skills Theory; Contingency; Integrative; Transformational Leadership.
In this present era leadership is a multidisciplinary academic and business field of research which emphasizes on the life of humans and organizations. Leadership is originated from various fields; social sciences (e.g. psychology, sociology), humanities (e.g. philosophy and history), and applied as well as professional fields of research (e.g. education and management). Leadership is strongly linked with organizational management. Various leadership definitions have emerged with the passage of time. Hence, most researchers tried to explain it but still there exist a scope for further studies (Kanji & e Sa', 2001; Northouse, 2007). Leadership is a process of "influencing others to understand and to agree about what needs to be done and how it can be done effectively, and the process of facilitating individuals and collective efforts to accomplish a shared objective" (Yukl, 2002: 3). In another definition, leadership is a procedure of shaping firm from present stage to the height that a leader aspires (Dess & Lumpkin, 2003). The gurus of the executive management and leadership mention that 'today's leaders are those who produce the leaders'. In fact, there is still a deficiency of clear and comprehensive definition of leadership (Bass, 1991; Lincoln, 2012).
Burns (1978) stated that leadership is an art of utilization of individuals for definite purposes, standards and approach to resources in a rivalry perspective and there may be disputes in chasing the objectives. Evidences show that comprehensive and clear description of what actually the leader is and distinguishing between an effective leadership and a poor leadership in the literature is not defined (Bass, 1991; Stogdill, 1974). In addition, it is beyond the scope of this study to define leadership. These attempts to define leadership...