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ONE APARTMENT FEATURES a state-of-the-art gym. Another sports easy-to-move furniture on wheels. In a third, an elaborate audio/visual set-up is controlled by a single keypad.
These apartments--created to meet a range of living needs, from those of a single, work-at-home mother to empty-nesters dealing with arthritis--are not designed for the city's newest high-tech building. They're part of a unique marketing push for one of Manhattan's grandest landmarks: the 92-year-old Ansonia at Broadway and 73rd Street.
Converted to condominium status during 1992's deep lull in residential real estate, Ansonia's apartments have sold fairly slowly. But now that the market is heating up, and a multimillion-dollar restoration is largely complete, the owners of the 17-story beaux arts building think the time is right for a major marketing effort.
Ansonia Associates Ltd....