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Through the Eyes of a Child - Part II
Last month, Kid Psych Korner columnist Dan Acuff imagined what would happen if three boys attended the American International Toy Fair held Feb. 11-15 in New York City. This month, Dan returns to the land of make-believe and describes three little girls' trip to the toy industry trade show.
It all seemed like a dream. Although they had flown in to the Big Apple with their parents from Chicago, they felt like three little girls from Kansas, swept away by a tornado of emotion.
The girls fidgeted excitedly in their seats on the plane, each with magic in their little fingers - complimentary passes to the American International Toy Fair in New York.
As they approached the convention center, Misty, 11, and Rebecca, 7, trailed behind with their mother as Dad held 5-year-old Tiffany's hand tightly.
"What do you want to go and see?" Dad asked Tiffany.
"I want to see the dollies," she replied, her green eyes sparkling.
With plans to meet for lunch, Dad and little Tiffany went off looking for dolls wherever they could find them. Tiffany loved all kinds of dolls. She had Barbie dolls, baby dolls, miniature dolls and a special collection of fairy dolls. Well, it actually was her mother's collection, but Tiffany liked to...