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The fundamental objective of this project is to design, synthesize, and characterize fluorescent dyes, which may be utilized in super resolution imaging techniques. In Chapters 1, 2 and 3, we concentrated on photoswitchable rhodamine dyes. We synthesized several rhodamine dyes and increased their water solubility, installed a bioconjugation unit and, more importantly, we optimized the absorption properties (close to 400 nm) of the rhodamine spirolactams in their closed state and studied their basic photophysical properties as well. In Chapter 4, we synthesized azido-DCDHF fluorogens that can be converted to the bright state after a 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction between an azide-Ph-DCDHF and a strained alkene. We synthesized some strained alkenes, which may speed up the kinetics in 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition. This chemical method of turning the dyes from dark to bright state is a new dimension in the bioconjugation arena. In Chapter 5, we synthesized Nile red derivatives which can switch to a bright state from a dark state by collision on the cell surface utilizing PAINT methodology. We expected that the design of new Nile red derivatives may have better properties than the parent Nile red. Besides the PAINT technique, we worked on some active control of emission by enzymatic cleavage of fluorescent dyes in a dark state to the bright state, which can be utilized in super resolution imaging. Related to the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction between azido-DCDHF and norbornene, we have examined recently popularized tetrazine chemistry. We linked pyridyl tetrazines to DCDHF with short spacer. In Chapter 6, we describe the preparation of co-crystals between perfluorophenazine and several polynuclear aromatic compounds/polynuclear heteroaromatic compounds. In Chapter 7 we describe the preparation of some partially fluorinated heteropolynuclear aromatic compounds such phenzaine and acridine class of compounds for possible use in organic semiconductors.
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