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An almanacke and prognostication, for the yere of our Lorde God, 1569 seruyng for all Europe: wherein is shewed the natures of the ayer, verie necessarie for all marchantes, mariners, studentes, and traueilers bothe by sea and lande: calculated and gathered by Ioachim Hubrigh Doctour of Phisicke and Astronomie. Whereunto is annexed a profitable rule to knowe the ebbes and fluddes for mainers, also their courses, soundynges, laundynges, markes, and daungers, all along the coast of Englande and Normandie. ...
Bibliographic name/number: Bosanquet, E.F. Almanacks, lxix; STC (2nd ed.) / 463.
Hubrigh, Joachim. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [48] p. London: By Ihon Kyngston for Willyam Pickryng, 1568.
Hubrigh, Joachim. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. [48] p. London: By Ihon Kyngston for Willyam Pickryng, 1568.
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