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Songs and Psalmes composed into 3.4. and 5. parts for the vse and delight of all such as either loue or learne musicke: By John Mundy gentleman, bachiler of musicke, and one of the organest of hir Maiesties free chappell of VVindsor.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 18284.
Mundy, John, d. 1630. EEBO Bodleian Library records - unstructured. [36] p. London: By Thomas Est, (the assigne of William Byrd,) dwelling in Aldersgate street, at the signe of the black Horse, 1594.
Mundy, John, d. 1630. EEBO Bodleian Library records - unstructured. [36] p. London: By Thomas Est, (the assigne of William Byrd,) dwelling in Aldersgate street, at the signe of the black Horse, 1594.
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