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Thys booke is called the treasure of gladnesse and semeth by the copy, (beeing a verye litle manuel, and vvritten in velam) to be made aboue CC. yeres past at the least. Wherby it appeareth howe God in olde time, and not of late only, hath ben truely confessed and honored. The coppy hereof is for the antiquity of it, preserued, and to be seene in the printers hall. Set forth and alowed, accordyng to the Quenes iniunctions. And now first imprinted
Alternate title: Treasure of gladnesse.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 24190.7. Anonymous.
EEBO Folger Shakespeare Library records - unstructured.
70, [2] leaves. London:
By [Henry Denham for] John Charlewood dwellyng in Barbican [and] there to be solde at his shop], 1563.