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AN ABSTRACT OF Certain Depositions, By vertue of His MAJESTIES Commission, taken upon Oath, Concerning the Traiterous intention of the Rebels in Ireland, in rejecting the Government of His Majesty, in having a King of their own: And who that King should be.
With an Extract of a Letter from Rome, 4. Jan. 1642.
YORK: Printed by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of JOHN BILL. 1642.
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An Abstract of the Depositions, by vertue of His Majesties Commission, taken upon Oath, Concerning the traiterous intention of the Rebels, in rejecting the Government of His Majestie, in having a King of their own: And who this King should be.
Richard Colley,[2] of the Parish of Kinnallie, inter caet. deposeth, that Bryan O Cormacke of Dristernan, and other Rebels, said, They would never submit to any English man.
Thomas Magill,[3] Clerk, inter caet. deposeth, that Collogh, Mac Brian, Mac Mahowne, and severall other Rebels, said, That they would not be subject to any Parliaments in England, and that they would have none to Govern over them, but a born Irish man.
Matthew Browne of Clonisse,[4] Gent. inter caet. deposeth, that he heard Peter Bath say, That they looked to have the King to put out the words Defender of the Faith, for none was supream of the Church, and Defender of the Faith, but the Pope.
Richard Whitton of Kilvane,[5] inter caet. deposeth, that Luke Birne of Kilvane said, He would have their Religion
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flourish, no thanks to the King.
Edward Deaselye, inter caet. deposeth,[6] That Luke Toole and Luke Birne offered a Passe...