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Accidentia ex Stanbrigiana editione nuper recognita, et castigata ... Oxoniensi academia lauriati
Alternate title: Accidence
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 23150.5.
Stanbridge, John, 1463-1510. EEBO Bodleian Library records - unstructured. [32] p. London: without Bysshoppes gate in synt Botulphus parysshe: by me Iohn[n] Skot dwellynge at the George Alley gate, 1530.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 23150.5.
Stanbridge, John, 1463-1510. EEBO Bodleian Library records - unstructured. [32] p. London: without Bysshoppes gate in synt Botulphus parysshe: by me Iohn[n] Skot dwellynge at the George Alley gate, 1530.
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