Unnumbered page
A True and Perfect RELATION, Of the most remarkable Passages and Speeches at, and before the Death of His EXCELLENCE IAMES MARQVES of MONTROSE Earle of Kincardin, Lord Graeme, Baron of Mont-dieu, &c.▪ Knight of the most Honorable Order of Saint George.
Lieutenant Governour and Captaine General for His Majestie in the Kingdome of Scotland.
Faithfully colected by an Eye witnes; In EDENBURGH as they happened upon the 18. 20. and the 21. of May 1650.
Unnumbered page
A True and Perfect RELATION, Of all the Passages concerning the Examination, Triall and Death of the most Honoble: James Marques of Montrose, Earle of Kincardin, Lord Graeme, Baron of Mont-dieu, &c. Knight of the most Honorable Order of St. George. Lieutenant Governour & Captaine General for His Majestie in the Kingdome of Scotland.
THe Parliament of Scotland being informed that the Marques of Montrose was taken, and foreseeing that his countenance and carriage might gaine him some favour amongst the People, thought fit to give out their sentence against him before he should come to Edenburgh. And therefore upon the 17. of May anno 1650. in the morning, they appointed
a Comittie to prepare and give in their opinions what was fittest to be don with him, where the same forenoone they gave in their report in writing to this Effect: That so soone as he should come to the Towne, he should be met at the Gate by the Magistrates, and Hangman; That he should be tyed with cords upon a Cart bareheaded, and the Hangman to ride upon the horse that drew the Cart covered before him, and so to be brought through the towne. That He should be hanged on a gibbet at the Crosse of Edenburgh untill he died, His Historie, and Declaration hanging about his neck, and so hang three houres in Publick view of all the People: after which He should be beheaded, and quartered. His head to be fixt upon the Prison house of Edenburgh, & his Leggs and armes over the gates of the Cities of Sterling, Glascowe, Perth alias Saint Iohns-Towne and Aberdeine. And in Case He repented not, (whereby the Sentence of Excommunication may be taken of by...