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The purpose of this phenomenological research study was to discover the causes of theretention problems for Latinx faculty in higher education in the Lowcountry region ofSouth Carolina. Five tenure or tenure-track Latinx faculty provided their perception ofthe experiences and challenges that helped identify the possible sources of retentionproblems in higher education institutions. A snowball sampling technique helped in therecruitment of participants. Semi-structured interviews in-person or audio-videoconferences produced the data needed for coding and analysis. The findings identified 22possible challenges to the retention problems of Latinx in higher education institutions.Only four of these were identified as specific to the Lowcountry in South Carolina:hidden expectations of the department, fees affecting faculty income (such as uniformsand parking spaces), diversity committee priorities (focus only on African Americans,neglecting Latinx), and closed-mindedness that occurs as a cultural characteristic, uniqueto South Carolina.
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