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Natura breuiu[m] newly corrected in Englisshe: with diuers addicio[n]s of statutes, boke, cases, plees, in abatementes of the sayd wryttes: and theyr declarations: and barres to the same: added and put in theyr places moste co[n]ueniente.
Bibliographic name/number: STC (2nd ed.) / 18404.
Anonymous. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. 243, [2] leaves. London: In fletestrete by me Robert Redman, dwellyng in saynt Dunstones parysshe at the signe of George, 1535.
Anonymous. EEBO British Library records - unstructured. 243, [2] leaves. London: In fletestrete by me Robert Redman, dwellyng in saynt Dunstones parysshe at the signe of George, 1535.
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