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Aprill 28. Numb. 20. The continuation of our forraine avisoes, since the 24. ditto Conteining many very remarkeable passages concerning Germany, Italy, France, the Low Countries, &c. As namely, the popes deniall to furnish the emperour with money. Discontents betwixt the emperour, and the Prince of Transilvania. A more particular relation of the King of Swedens routing of Generall Tilly neare Ausburgh. His maiesties further proceedings since then, and of his taking in of these townes Ginsburgh, Lawingen, Hoogstadt; Dillingen, Grundelingen, Windelingen, Elching, Kirberg, Oberendorfe. A pretty passage betwixt the King of Sweden and one of Tillies sentinels. The restoring of the Protestant religion at Donawert, and rendring of divers cities and townes in Bavaria, to his Maistie of Sweden. With many other particulars from divers other places. [Issue 20]
Bibliographic name/number: Dahl, F. Bibliography of English corantos and newsbooks 1620-1642 / 268; STC (2nd ed.) / 18507.248. Anonymous.
The continuation of the forraine occurents ..; London (April 28, 1632): [2], 14 p.