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The Second Edition.
LONDON Printed and Sold by J. How, in the Ram-Head Inn-Yard, in Fanchurch-street, 1700.
Books Printed and Sold by J. How, in the Ram-Head-Inn-Yard in Fenchurch-Street; and by M. Fabian, at Mercers-Chappel.
2. A Trip to Jamaica: With a True Character of the People and Island Price Six Pence.
3. Ecclesia & Factio. A Dialogue between Bow-Steeple-Dragon, and the Exchange-Grashoper. Price Six pence.
4. The Poet's Ramble after Riches. With Reflections upon a Country Corporation. Also the Author's Lamentation in the time of Adversity. Price Six pence.
5. A Trip to New-England. With a Character of the Country and People, both English and Indians. Price Six pence.
6. Modern Religion, & Ancient Loyalty: A Dialogue. Price Six Pence.
7. The World Bewitch'd. A Dialogue between two Astrologers and the Author. With Infallible Predictions of what will happen from the Vices and Villanies Practis'd in Court, City, and Country. Price Six pence.
8. A Walk to Islington: With a Description of New Tunbridge-Wells, and Sadler's Musick-House. Price Six pence.
9. The Humours of a Coffee-House: A Comedy. Price Six Pence.
10. A Frolick to Horn-Fair. With a Walk from Cuckold's-Point thro' Deptford and Greenwich. Price Six pence.
11. The Dancing-School. With the Adventures of the Easter-Holy-Days. Price Six pence.
12. The First Volume of the LONDON-SPY: In Twelve Parts.
13. The Second Volume of the LONDON-SPY: In Six Parts. Price Six Pence each; or they may be had both Volumes Bound together; and also Bound with the rest of the Authors Writings.
14. The Metamorphos'd Beau, &c. Price Six pence.
15. The English Nun: Or, a Comical Description of a Nunnery. With the Lives and Intrigues of the Priests and Nuns Price Six Pence.
16. Laugh and be Fat: Or, an Antidote against Melancholy. Containing great variety of Comical Intrigues in Town and Country. To which is added Nine Delightful Tales. Price One Shilling.
17. A Step to the Bath: With a Character of the Place. Price Six Pence.
18. Labour in Vain: Or, what Signifies Little or Nothing, viz. I....